Does Blogging Help An Unpublished Writer

Hello, as a new member to the blogging world, I ask myself is this platform useful for an unpublished writer. Having read varying opinions about this, I will offer a few random thoughts about the subject.

First, what negatives can come from blogging (other than carpal tunnel syndrome)? Not knowing how to effectively manage one’s time can be a major setback. Blogging your life away when you could be editing your manuscript, writing the next chapter, or improving your query appears to be the greatest danger. Too many people get caught up in social media and forget the priorities in their lives. If your goal is to become a published author, your writing must come before your blog.

Blogging doesn’t necessarily translate into improved book sales for a fiction writer. I have read reports that state blogging is a huge plus for writers of non-fiction, who have a platform to demonstrate their expertise. Their followers will mostly likely be people interested in the subject matter. A fiction writer can post short stories and have a following, but not all of your followers will enjoy the type of fiction you write, thus no guarantee of greater book sales.

What are the positives? Well, I am trying to use my blog as a platform to introduce my characters. I don’t use excerpts from my manuscript, I write about my characters in other periods in their lives; days or years before the time period of the book. My queries will mention my blog and advise literary agents they can learn more about my characters on my blog.

Having this blog has also forced me to think more about my writing and the marketing aspect of the publishing world. We as author need to wear two hats. writer and salesman. And the first thing we need to sell is ourselves. I admit marketing myself and my work has never been my forte. Hopefully, this will help me improve my queries and my self confidence when approaching literary agents. It can’t hurt.

What do you think about blogging helping or hurting your unpublished work?


285 thoughts on “Does Blogging Help An Unpublished Writer

  1. I do agree that blogging can suck precious time away from “proper writing”, but I’ve also found it to be a fantastic way to connect with other writers, explore different writing styles and genres and test story ideas (via short and flash fiction) and to simply get into the habit of writing regularly (although I have fallen off the wagon lately but it was good while it lasted!)

    Liked by 6 people

  2. I just want to say I love the layout of your blog and would love to learn how to do the same with mine.

    I have found blogging a fantastic means of writing.

    To date I have written about a trip to India, Vietnam and recently I have explored the Journey inwards:Finding the Real Me. I finished that last Friday and I believe it could be transferred into a book. So I do not see blogging as counterproductive to serious writing. For me it is the reverse, it is my inspiration, my hope and my belief that I can make a difference through the medium of the written word.I see blogging as a conversation or perhaps as a connection between me and someone though I do not know who or why.

    Now my technique unfortunately is shocking! I know! The lingo has me mesmerized! So I ignore the technical part and just keep writing. To date, people are very kind. I am not as yet overwhelmed by comments so maybe I am still a bit naive about it all. But then again my motto in life is what the hell if I don’t try I will never learn and the words I write might just help someone- who knows.

    Thanks for listening and have a great day 🙂
    Best wishes

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Great post or should I say comment. I have been so busy I have been unable to travel. So. I get to see the beauty of the world through your eyes. I will be returning to see your posts. I believe your blog can definitely help you publishing a book. Non-fiction blogs really work well for books. Best of luck and thanks for stopping by.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Thank you for stopping my blog and following! I just starting following you as well. As for your question, I have actually found that blogging has increased my productivity as a writer. I’m a fiction writer who has been sitting on several story ideas for DECADES. It finally took a 30-day self-imposed writing challenge (write 15 minutes of garbage each day) on my blog to get me through a few road blocks. I think the public accountability has really pushed me forward. Plus, for me, writing begets writing. Blogging has helped me overcome a lot of road blocks. I hope you find it as helpful as I have.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Thanks for the follow. Blogging has forced me to think about writing the entire day. The greatest part of all is mingling in this creative and supportive writing community. It will be great following your blog and staying in touch with you. so, Happy I found you.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I think a blog can definitely help a writer in exposing what he/she writes and genres, etc. But, I agree too that for one wanting to be published there should be a balance in the time spent on a blog verses the time spent in working on an unpublished project. I have to balance my time that way, and be sure that I focus on my unfinished projects like an unfinished novel with increased time spent on it.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Blogging can be a bit time consuming but it also pushes you to keep that creative spark going. Meet other writers, get inspired, learn, develop your own unique writing style and so forth. So I guess it really just comes down to time management.

    Liked by 5 people

  6. Thanks very much for the follow.
    I do not consider myself to be an unpublished author, but you raise some salient points. There are some stories of bloggers who have used the platform to achieve some success with sales of published works, alongside others whose blogs have rarely even been read.

    My own experience has been that writing the blog has made me more disciplined, and more critical of my own writing. I spend as much time reviewing and correcting posts and stories, as I do writing them. But I have never had the desire (or ambition) to sell a published book, so my starting point is very different to those that do.
    Good luck with your blog, your writing, and your manuscripts. I wish you well.

    Best wishes from Norfolk. Pete.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Pete, thanks for dropping by. Yeah, there are a few blogging/website success stories like Andy Weir (The Martian) and successful self published books E.L. James (50 Shades of Grey). But for the majority of unpublished authors success is limited. So, I understand I am trying to buck the trend. Blogging has helped me with discipline, too. Thanks for your well wishes, best of luck to you.And thanks for stopping by.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. You’re spot on about social media sucking time away from other projects. So very tempting to keep checking out other blogs and websites. But my stories keep reminding me to be disciplined. In my research on writerly advice, people claim writers need platforms to market their books. Otherwise, their books might languish in Amazon’s database or on shelves somewhere. So marketing is helpful, I suppose. And it’s nice to meet other writers 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  8. I agree with you about the jury being out regarding whether or not a blog promotes a writer or just bogs them down with writing tasks perhaps better devoted to the WIP or more direct outreach to agents and editors. One of my books earned a quarter-finalist position in the 2012 ABNA contest, which is no longer active. One of my blog posts earned a Freshly Pressed Award shortly after I started writing on another blog site. Nobody came running to my blog, begging to read and/or publish my work. I think we writers still need to slog through the traditional grind or strike out and self-publish. I like what your other followers have to say. Blogging forces us into the public eye and we gotta be ready for the bright lights.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I agree 100% with everything you said. There are cases of authors going from blog to success. Andy Wier “The Martian” .and E.L.James “50 Shades of Grey.” The odds are against us, but it can be done. I will continue to write about my characters add some humor and poetry and see what happens. Hey thanks for stopping by. We will talk more.I love taking to others here in the trenches. Best of luck. Don’t be a stranger.

      Liked by 2 people

  9. Hi thelonelyauthorblog. To be truthful I have written for years to sustain my sanity. Honestly cannot see myself as an author. Written a paranormal play being interested in ghosts and UFO’s. Thank you so much for wanting to follow my poetry adventures. Great to meet you. And for liking my poems All Hallows Eve! Near A Fiery Star! Village! Appearance! and War Zone! Best Wishes. Thye Foureyed Poet.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for stopping by my page to converse with me. To get our work published, recognized, or sold for dramatic rights can be a daunting task. What separates those who fail and those who succeed is perseverance. If your writing is good, it will speak for itself. Well, you have a blog to sustain your sanity, and it gives everyone else an opportunity to enjoy your work. Thanks for sharing. Happy to have the chance to know you.


  10. Hi,
    I had fallen out of touch with writing when I was caught up with University and completing my education. I actually view my blog as an inspiration to continue to write my stories and also get feedback about what I upload. I think it goes a long way in trying out different genres of writing and really helps in getting ones bearings.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Blogging helps quite a bit. Not necessarily to get published, but to improve one’s skills. Also, this creative writing community is so supportive. Happy to find you and hoping you get back into writing regularly. I would love to read your work.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. LOL Thanks. I will try a little longer the conventional way. I live in New York so I have so many ways to meet literary agents. I will not be discouraged very easily. Thanks. Like you say, I have the option to do both.


          1. Glad you do. But, still, I don’t envy you. lol I’ll stick to my blogging & self-publishing. The two are very agreeable and are a source of inspiration. And no, blogging no take me time at all! You are just blessed with this long comment. Not everybody is blessed with my two cents worth, that’s for sure. Writing is my destiny–everything else is secondary–O what a life by the power of love from on high! Later (maybe) gator! :-)a

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Sorry for asking, do you live off of your self published work? Is that your main source of income? That is what I am trying to do. Perhaps I may succeed, perhaps I may fail. But I assure you of this, I am enjoying the journey. I appreciate your two cents and your providing the link to see my work in print. Writing is my love and my destiny. Thanks for everything. I love conversing with other writers.


              1. No. I don’t live off my writing. I am an odd ball not interest in making money, But believe me, I am not against making money at all! Money is a necessary evil if you want to eat. 🙂
                Furthermore, there are numerous big names in the self-publishing arena, very, very lucrative. They making more than enough than just eating.
                Regular publishing is becoming less popular everyday. No kidding, check it out. Here goes another link that has opened my eyes big time.
                And no, I am not making money from these people either. These people gave me the links and necessary means to publish my books for free. And I am passing on my blessings, that’s all. Wish you the best. 🙂

                Liked by 1 person

                1. I will follow up with both links. Please don’t think I am being combative. Perhaps a little reluctant. Oh, I have no doubt you aren’t advertising or making money from this. I can see your suggestions are genuine. Thank you so much for everything. I will follow up. We share the same love – writing. I wish you all the best. And I plan on staying in contact with you my new writing friend.


  11. Good question LAB and I think by the numerous responses you’ve received many bloggers have an opinion on whether they are wasting their precious time by blogging. I think blogging is a great discipline. Blogging encourages you to think and consider. When I’m not working on my latest manuscript I’m blogging. I have met some wonderful bloggers/writers out there in downtown Blogsville who could only be described as generous, friendly and empathetic.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. LOL You through me off with the LAB. I thought I was mistakenly going to get a medical question. (Haven’t had my morning coffee yet.) Oh, I have changed my opinion since I wrote that post. I am almost three month into my blogging experience, and although it hasn’t helped me in achieving publication, it has helped in so many disciplinary and creative ways. And the people that I have met here are priceless. Blogging crushes every other social media platform. Gina, how else could I have met you and discussed writing. Thanks for stopping by to comment. I appreciate it. Have a good day.


  12. It does, it’s helping a lot! Do you know Zoella author of girl online? She’s famous youtuber and I think her book became so popular because of that. Social media is great tool in the 21th century. If you are popular blogger, your followers will read your book I think. THat’s the auditory.

    Liked by 2 people

  13. I write as well, although I don’t mention it on my blog (and don’t plan to until we get closer.) To me, blogging isn’t about selling my writing; it’s about my love of books and finding new great books to read from the blogging community, which is why you’ll find most of the books on my blog are hyped books. Although I plan to read lesser known and indies more often, being a blogger has helped me to understand that blogging will not help sell my books.. necessarily. The only way blogging can help is if a book can become hyped, which normally happens behind the scenes BEFORE blogging, which I feel could happen whether or not I have a blog. It’ll all very confusing subject matter, but I hope that if I ever manage to get my novels where I like them, I can learn more to get them in the hands of others that will also like them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I understand completely. Blogging has helped me as a writer, but it has done nothing for the “getting published” end. Sorry for asking, what genre do you write. You really have a nice blog. I am so happy that I found you.


      1. I started off with YA distopia, with a novel that I got up to 90,000 words before realizing it didn’t jive with me at all. My writing style is a lot more fluffy, and that doesn’t fit in with YA drama, so I switched over to middlegrade. I’m currently in the middle of two different novels, but not very far in either when it comes to the writing itself, but they’re fully planned out.

        Liked by 1 person

          1. It was 90k words, but I feel like so few words were actually good that it would have been harder to keep writing it. I was almost done, too. All it needed was some piecing together. I am writing the other two at the same time, whichever I feel like, although they’re very similar in feel. Completely different plots, but same overall mood. Generally I write whichever I think is better, but that varies.

            Liked by 1 person

              1. They’re rough right now. When it comes to heavy editing, I’ll have to really focus on one. But they’re both middlegrades, so they’re fairly simple books with a heavy formula to them. I’d have never been able to do that with my YA, because it had so much depth to it, and so many sideplots and dynamic characters that I really needed to focus on it and nothing else. I couldn’t even read while I was writing it.

                Liked by 1 person

  14. No I don’t think it hurts at all. In fact I am published for my writing and my art. I work for a publishing company as senior editor/graphic designer/illustrator and I started blogging on WordPress 1st because the name WORD and the second part PRESS, I started many moons ago in the printing industry. I was one of the only females in that industry so it opened doors for me that probably would not have gotten me to where I am today.
    So this blogging I feel is a way to try new things. My boss told me I needed to get out of my square box and flow more and be more creative. Like a slap in the face actually. So on my blog Art by MichelleMarie is me flowing. Because I’m an editor I mostly edit other writers work and love doing so. My favorite thing is every Monday morning when I receive my copy of my magazine. Putting all the pieces together is what I do best. So yay for you being here! I think what you are doing is great. Exploring all aspects of writing. My advice to anyone wanting to publish is, flood the market with your writing. Most magazines and publishing houses, have websites that have direct links to submit your work. Just my professional opinion and also my thoughts. Good luck with your writing. I’ll be reading and watching! Blessings to you!
    P.S. I find music a wonderful tool for writing and art. Michelle

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for these kind words of advice. I really want to avoid self publishing. I promised myself to promote my manuscripts, as well as my screenplays. Also going to sign up for a few conferences to meet literary agents. I want this to be my year. I know if someone gives me the chance they will see I collaborate as a team and my creativity is deep. You gave me hope. Thanks so much.


      1. OH yes I have the greatest hope for you! But I don’t mean self-publishing! I have a friend that avoided this as well and now he’s published many times not only in magazines but books. So see it’s all a matter of touching the right people. Also something else, you never know what niche in this funny business you will end up! I encourage you to follow your heart and your gut. I once had a now retired eloquent writer say Michelle what does your gut tell you. And I said my gut tells me to stop and he said then stop it. So I’m sure you know what I mean but if your heart’s desire is to write screen plays, there are so many places you could go with that. I live close to google, and they hire all sorts of writers. So always leave yourself open for something amazing to just show up! Then it’s up to God/Universe and not you! I don’t believe you have to push, or advertise when you have something on the inside of you that is golden! See that’s how it happened for me. I have a passion for the written word and to produce so I do. I believe the same will happen for you! I just know it! All it takes is what you already have I just know it! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I am here sweating bricks with the flu. Just returned to my blog after a 2 day hiatus and find your amazing words saying the things I have longed to hear. Thanks you so much. If not the screenplay maybe the manuscripts or maybe the poetry, but somehow someway I have to get my foot in the publishing door. Thanks for starting my year like this. My wife is here reading your comments, and she is almost in tears. Thanks my friend, I will stop by your blog. I need to surround myself with positive examples such as you. Forever grateful.


          1. OH I love knowing you have a beloved that walks with you on this earth! That makes it even sweeter I think! I think it is so important to surround yourself with positive people that are where you are or hope to be! I think I saw you on my friend Gigi’s blog…Bling. I call her Bling! She’s another wonderful inspiration to me. She’s a published artist and writer and so fascinating!
            I know you already follow her I’ve seen you there that’s probably why I thought I always followed you! I think if you allow your heart to guide you in this passion for writing people just show up! I love it when that happens! Those are divine appointments I feel! Take are of yourself and drink plenty of fluids. My girl has been sick during the holidays so I know how that is! 😀 Blessings to you!

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Thank you I surround myself with positive nd supportive people. It has made my life so much more rewarding. I try to spread this philosophy and the laws of attraction with everyone I meet. Thanks and glessings to you and yours as well.


  15. I write poems. Here’s a new one

    To Be Human

    is to fall in love over and over,
    to never give up on any of them,
    to cry for the inhumanity, and try to
    overcome all that surrounds us by creating
    a closeness with those in proximity, both
    geographical and philosophical. It is to
    carry those loves in our heart, flooding our
    minds no matter how gone they are. And
    to put others’ needs first, understand their
    flaws, work on our own so we can be
    better helpers. It is to take it all in and
    follow our dreams no matter how preposterous;
    to pull apart another brown paper bag and
    to write it all out, no matter how choppy.
    So take my hand and make it all better
    before I repeat the painful parts until
    I can no longer act. To struggle past
    obstructions and obligations, self imposed and
    expected; to wallow in joy, build strength and
    change what we can for the better. To give.

    Liked by 2 people

  16. very good post and comments. I find that when I prioritize my writing and do the blogging, reading, answering comments as and when I can, it keeps me focused and less distracted.
    Good luck to your writing ventures, I also believe you just have to keep on going and be open for opportunities wherever they may appear.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by to contribute your thoughts to this post. I am currently sending out queries to literary agents and my screenplays to LA agents. As well as sending poetry and short stories to magazines. Blogging does help to keep us focused on writing. I just followed your blog. I will be stopping by to visit you soon. Thanks for dropping by.

      Liked by 1 person

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  18. In my experience blogging doesn’t help a PUBLISHED author all that much, let alone an unpublished one. My blog receives scant attention, apart from my publisher, my editor, my agent, and a couple of other people. On the other hand, it doesn’t hurt – unless people come along and check out how many ‘likes’ a post gets, and think “Huh! She can’t be THAT much of a writer – hardly anyone comes to her blog!” And how would I know that?


    1. Smiling. Thank you for your comment. Many people urged me to begin the blog to facilitate my getting a literary agent. It has helped me in the sense that I do more networking, I recieve instant feedback on my posts. It has served as a confidence builder. But helping me get published, I don’t think so. THank you for stopping by to read and comment. I appreciate that.


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