love in the time of coronavirus

love in the time of coronavirus

This occurred nine days ago, before my current state of dizziness began.

Knowing a pandemic was sweeping across the world, I expected to find the tourist beach desolate. I wasn’t disappointed.

Before long, I discovered an open beach bar with one sole patron. A beautiful young woman with green eyes that silently spoke to me.

We were both affected by the magic of our eye contact.

My “hola” was followed by her “bonjour.”

My heart sank. UGH! For three years Cynthia from the debate class did my French homework in high school.

Oh, karma had a sadistic way of coming back to bite you right in the croissants. Where was Cynthia now?

Lucie spoke little English, but her accent…..oh it was heavenly. The Beach Boy has a weakness for sexy accents (and hosiery)! Hey, Superman has his kryponite, I have mine.

She had small dainty feet, well manicured, toe nails painted a soft shade of coral, with a sexy sea shell ankle bracelet. I was melting.

We communicated by pointing, through sign language, Google tranlsate on my phone, and glowing smiles. I was in full James Bond mode.

Magic had returned to my life.

I prepared for the right moment to impress her with the only French I remembered, “Le chat est sur la table.” (“The cat is on the table”). Damn my luck, it was a cat-less beach.

Pinkies entwined, we walked the beach. Played frisbee. I explored her soft hands.

Venturing into the water, the rough waves knocked us around, giving her a reason to hold my arms and chest. It allowed me to cling to her bare waist. We shared tender little kisses on the cheek and lips.

Then, came one long lasting kiss, which I felt in my soul. We were alone in the world and the world was ours.

Taking my hand, she led me back to her blanket. Pulling out her cell phone, she swiped through dozens of photos, showing me her man and their wedding pics.

Lucie was married. Apparently, he was in some business meeting.

Looking into my eyes, she pouted before giving me one last kiss. Watching her walk out of my life, my broken heart filled with hope.

Why shouldn’t it?

While a deadly pandemic forced a world to shut its doors in fear, I opened my heart and found love in the time of coronavirus.

the promise of your dawn

“There are two ways of spreading light. To be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it.” – Edith Wharton, novelist, playwright, first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize for Literature .

I always thought of my friend Miriam of Out an’ About as an inspiring ray of light. She takes you on adventures highlighting stunning Australian landcapes while sharing a piece of her caring soul. Her journeys of gratitude, love, and family, leave you cherishing every moment. I’ll never forget how just a few years ago, during sad moments of family loss, her warmth, wisdom, and love still shined through all the darkness. She inspires people to be the best they can be. Visit Out an’ About. Bask in the glow of one of the Inspiring Women of WordPress.

We now return to our regularly scheduled programming…

the promise of your dawn

we made love on a beach
to a serenade of palm leaves
as moon glow illuminated the night
or was it the brilliance of your eyes
i remember your jasmine lips
tasting of honey and eternity
shooting stars came in waves
our inhibitions drowned in open seas
that night as you slept in my arms
i traced sunsets in your hair
in hopes of awakening
to the promise of your dawn

never meant to be

never meant to be

we lay on a lonesome beach
tides shift between reality and fantasy
red lips kiss the yesterday we never had
as we dream of eternity
fireflies illuminate the night
forming horoscopes
foretelling no promises of tomorrow

our eyes express
things our mouths will never see
the moonless sky torments
our love is an unborn child
who was never meant to be


As I said right before my vacation, jobs fill our pockets. Adventures fill our souls. My first 5 days in the Dominican Republic were at a beach resort to relieve my stress. This was the view outside my balcony.

There was nightly entertainment. On the second night 8 professional dancers selected 4 men and 4 women from the audience to compete in a Dancing With the Stars competition. Yes, I was selected. When I survived the first five rounds (rock & roll, the twist, hip hop, lambada, and salsa) I thought I had a chance. The last two elimination rounds were the typical island dances; merengue and bachata (my forte). At the end of the competition I was called back onto the stage to receive my award (a bottle of rum) and I pulled a hamstring. The very next day I received Swedish massage to ease my pain.

One of the reasons I went to the island was to see the humpback whales. These whales come every winter from as far away as northern Canada and Norway. This is a single female flirting and letting the males know she is free. The white on their tails are like our fingerprints. No two whales are alike.

Here I captured two males crashing into one another as they fought for the attention and right to be with the female. In all, there were four males fighting for the lone female. I guess she had an amazing tail.

This is my goddaughter Dibel (proounced Dee-bell). We spent plenty of time together shopping, beaching, and playing. Now, the peculiar thing about Dibel is she swears her parents gave her the wrong name. She insists her name was supposed to be Lily. So, I always make sure to call her Lily.

My good firiend Luis has a slight resemeblence to actor Daniel Craig. After years of teasing him about it, I put it to a test. One night in a beach bar, I turned on the charm and convinced two lovely ladies that Luis is James Bond’s stunt double. Well, after a wonderful night of dancing, laughing, and drinking, the two ladies left the bar with 007’s stunt double. Lonely Author went back to his room alone.

Because of the wedding, I had the opportunity to stay at this private resort for two nights. This was the table where I had breakfast and did some writing.

My long time followers recognize Ally. We spent some time together at the 75th birthday party and at the beach wedding.

I had the chance to dine at two mountainside restaurants. This one Aroma De La Montaña (Aroma of the Mountain) has a revolving floor which gave us spectacular views while me and my friends dined.

Ah, the wedding. It was my first time being a bestman. I had plenty of fun dancing and mingling. I recited poetry (English and Spanish) during the bestman speech at the celebration.

Sadly, I said goodbye to two old dear friends Maria (95) and Tato (93). Hope they will still be there when I return.

Here is a peek at one of the orange sunsets.

Life is about the memories we make. And the memories waiting to be made. So, go out there and make some memories of your own.

Can’t wait to go back.

do dreams really come true

do dreams really come true

they say the waves never stop
caressing your footprints
with a white dance
of pirouetting ocean foam
the breeze whispers your name
through trembling palm leaves
as coconuts gently fall
constructing our love hut of a home

the moon told me
she has never seen anything
as brilliant as your eyes
your adoring eyes
she suggests I make our chats endless
by squeezing the entire beach
into a sun dial
as immense as the sun rise

oh, to taste an orange sunset
with you my pet
as we swing in a hammock
made just for two
listen to the island sing a song
encouraging me
to stop fantasizing and ask
my love
do dreams really come true

in the whispers of palm trees

in the whispers of palm trees

my mind wanders aimlessly
like algae on the sea
beneath my rolled-up khakis
warm waves crash upon my feet
reminding me of…..sigh

a gentle caress
trembles my skin
underneath my white shirt
I turn to reach for her
my hands grasp an island breeze
paradise is lost
she is the treasure I never had

sand seeps from longing fists
I call her name
as her silent giggles echo
in the whispers of palm trees

Photo taken by me.

dress of sand


Don’t know why, but I am feeling a little beachy today.

dress of sand

It was love at first sight

When the siren arrived bare

For the nudist wedding

Only to suddenly discover

It was a dressed affair

She knit a dress of weeds

With a sexy little slit

But it made her look all soggy

So she continued searching

‘til she found the perfect outfit

Asking the maiden for a dance

I reached for her tender hand

The siren broke my heart

For she had no desire to ruin

Her pretty dress of sand

Happy Valentines Day